The Bell Witch

The Bell Witch is the only known paranormal force blamed for killing a human being. On the Tennessee frontier, John Bell and his family were tormented by a menacing force for three years leading up to Mr. Bell's death in 1820. Although commonly referred to as a "witch" - I believe that this may have been an inhuman, demonic force. The native Americans often describe such forces as inhabiting caves, old tree stumps, etc... When disturbed, they can cause much harm and manifest as anything they desire. There is a cave nearby the old Bell farm, where the spirit is believed to reside.

The ghost became so famous that even General Andrew Jackson decided to visit. He too experienced the antics of the witch and his carriage wheels refused to turn until the witch decided to let them.

According to the legend, the first manifestation of the haunting occurred in 1817 when John Bell, Sr. encountered a strange animal in a cornfield on his large farm in Robertson County, on the Red River, near Adams, Tennessee. The animal, described as having the body of a dog and the head of a rabbit, vanished when Bell shot at it. This incident was quickly followed by a series of strange beating and gnawing noises manifesting around the outside, and eventually inside the Bell residence that did not stop until 3 a.m (witching hour).

Incidents turned to a poltergeist type of activity, and became violent. Eventually, John Bell became seriously ill and died. His death was blamed on the evil spirit. According to mourners, laughing could be heard in the distance as the priest spoke at Bell's funeral.

The cave of the Bell Witch

The cave where the spirit is believed to reside is made of limestone. Limestone is linked to hauntings and apparitions, perhaps as a type of conductor. It's properties in paranormal phenomena are not fully understood.
